Their Saint: Hell’s Rebel’s MC Part II Page 19
“You’re too used to climbing on hogs,” I grumbled, watching her scurrying up to me—her intent evident.
“I’m too used to you going down on me,” she replied. “You want my butt to be a port of entry and exit, you gotta pay the toll.”
“We’ve made a monster,” I wailed, but grabbed her butt and hauled her up toward my mouth.
Though she squeaked again—her signature noise in the bedroom, which was far better than her terrified screams—it soon morphed into a low moan. Her hips began to rock against my mouth as I sucked down on her clit. She appreciated heavy handed moves, and wasn’t one for delicacy or restraint, even in this short time, I’d learned that she didn’t like it if I teased. Of course, that made me want to, but I figured I’d give her some time to explore what she wanted.
This was all new to her, after all.
Sliding my tongue down the crevice of her pussy, I swirled it around her entrance, then fluttered the tip inside her. Her breaths turned into broken gasps that had me smirking against her slick flesh. With a grunt, I split her cheeks apart again with my hands and began to rub the tip of my pointer finger against her ass. She immediately tensed so I resumed sucking down on her clit. A whimper escaped her, and her hips began to rock so she was literally fucking my face.
There’s a girl.
My cock was aching like a bastard, and fuck, I wanted her mouth on me more than I wanted my next breath, but Jesus, this was good too. I wanted that butt plug in this tasty ass of hers just so I could fuck her there. That was worthy of sacrificing a ’69.’
As her hips rocked harder, I began to trace the little crinkles around and around the rosette of her butt, and I taunted her until she was groaning, until I knew she was ready for me to at least try to insert the tip.
She gasped when I thrust in to the knuckle, and then moaned when I slipped in to the next. With my other hand, I thrust a finger inside her cunt and pressed down so that both were rubbing each other through the tissue separating her ass and pussy. The sensation had a sharp cry escaping her, and I facilitated her shocked pleasure by redoubling my focus on her clit. Within the minute, she exploded above me, her hips shifting jerkily back and forth, riding out the wave of her pleasure before she sagged, dropping forward to lean on her elbows.
Pulling free from her pussy, I used that hand to grab her hip and help roll her off me, and it was awkward as hell, but I kept my finger in her ass. I’d staked my claim on that piece of territory and wasn’t about to give it up yet.
When she was flat on her back and staring with wild eyes at the ceiling, I had to laugh to myself. She was dazed, limp, and relaxed. So I slipped my middle finger into her butt. Her belly rippled and she raised her legs up as though she wanted to kick me before she spread them wide.
As I stared down at her, it was weird to note just how my expectations and fantasies were morphing. I’d never anticipated this, never imagined she’d be so giving with her body, had never thought I’d be given this chance to give her pleasure. But equally, I felt like we’d been born for this. Born for each other. Made to be a unit, to be more than just friends but mates.
Scissoring my fingers inside her, I raked them up and then down, then narrowed them once before broadening them again. She squirmed around my fingers and I reached for the plug that I’d tossed on the bed when she’d grabbed a hold of my cock and taken charge.
It was cold, so I slipped it over the folds of her sex and ran the pointed tip around her sensitive clit. She leaned up, rested her head on her bent forearm, and watched me pleasure her. That she owned this moment was the biggest turn on. When I pressed the plug inside her pussy, she clenched her jaw.
“Fuck, that’s cold,” she complained, her head rocking back, revealing the sinews in her throat.
“That’s because you’re on fire, baby,” I murmured, dropping to my knees beside the bed so I could focus on her more. Fucking her with the cold metal plug a few times, I twisted it, pushing down against my fingers once more, before I pulled it out and slid it down to her ass.
One finger retreated, leaving the other inside. I pressed the pointy end of the plug to her rosette and gradually pushed in as I let my other finger exit.
She used her forearm to cover her eyes as I worked, slowly but surely letting her ass swallow the toy, not stopping until it was all the way in. By that point, she was panting and my cock was weeping pre-cum.
I needed in her so bad.
With her legs spread wide, her pussy juicy from her arousal, I slowly crawled onto the bed and lay myself down atop her. Grabbing her forearm, I pressed it above her head.
“Where’d you go?” I complained on a grumble, as I rocked my hips, sliding my dick along her wet juices.
“Nowhere,” she moaned, her eyes fluttering open as she stared up at me. “That feels so good, Law—”
“Don’t even go there,” I burst out with a faint laugh. I dipped down, nipped her chin, then whispered in her ear, “I’m your Saint. Patience only for you. Love only for you—”
A cry escaped her and her arms surged around my waist, her legs cupped me tightly, and she clung to me, her face burrowing in my throat.
“What is it, baby?” I asked, not overly worried because Ama always had been a responsive little thing.
“Never thought I’d have this with you, and now I do, and I feel like I’m going to wake up and it’s all going to be a dream.”
“Well, it’s a good dream for once,” I grumbled, loving her tight clasp on me. “And I ain’t going nowhere. Not by choice.” I was hers. And I didn’t give a fuck if that lessened me in the eyes of my brothers. I’d been hers since I was a kid, since her momma had charged me with looking after her. I’d been her guardian, watching over her ever since, and I’d die doing that. I’d die making sure she was safe.
“The best,” she whispered.
Deciding to make things less emotional because my cock was aching like a SOB, I murmured, “How’s the plug?”
“Feels big.”
I laughed—it was a starter plug, not as big as they could go, and seriously, I’d seen some shit in the bar at the clubhouse. That jeweled plug was tiny by comparison.
“You’ll get used to it,” I told her.
She hummed then arched her hips. “I need you.”
“You can have me,” I growled, my voice rough as I heard the truth in her words—she was as desperate for me as I was for her.
Slipping a hand between us, I grabbed my dick, then pressed the tip to her cunt and let myself slide inside.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, baby,” I ground out, before pressing my mouth to hers. I thrust my tongue between her lips, fucking her there as I began to make love to her pussy. She took me all in, not leaving an inch of me out of in the cold.
And I rewarded her for that with two more orgasms, because I was a gentleman like that.
Ink slapped my naked ass and I peered at him over my shoulder, mumbling, “What?”
“You still in bed, lazy bones?” he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
“Are you just getting back in?” I replied, rolling over onto my back, just so that he’d see my tits and stop harping at me—three guys’ needs were a lot to handle. Thankfully, my body was getting used to it, to the point where sleeping was becoming more of a necessity than ever.
Who knew that being fucked into exhaustion would take my demons away?
Hell, it was enough to turn me into a sex addict.
Although, that would probably be exchanging one problem for another. Oops.
At least my guys made me cry good tears. Ecstatic tears as my toes curled in and my body shook from the ecstasy they made me feel. That was healthy, right?
“Yeah. We need to get to the parlor soon,” he told me.
“Did church go okay?” I asked, curiosity biting me hard because I’d never known there to be as many churches as there’d been in the last couple of weeks.
He pulled a face, but didn�
��t chide me for asking. He’d stopped telling me not to ask, but just wrinkled his nose or sighed when I did.
“Went as well as it could go.”
I hummed. That was a non-answer, but from his face, I figured something was going down, even if things had settled some—the latter I gathered from the fact that Kenzie hadn’t been strung up. Although, whether the brothers would do that when she was pregnant was something I wasn’t sure about. That my granddaddy had gone home also made me think things were on the right track.
Still, I could be wrong.
He’d told me that some of the Knights had gone to jail after a run, so maybe that was why he’d returned after staying for a week. He hadn’t told me the details, but nobody ever did, and I was too used to it to pout about it.
I lifted my arms to him, but he grumbled, “I need to shower.”
My lips curved into a pout. “No fun.”
“You haven’t smelled me,” he teased.
I bounced up. “We haven’t had a shower together yet.”
A groan escaped him as I rolled up onto all fours, then leaped off the bed. He caught me, just as I’d known he would, but he didn’t argue again. Just carried me into the bathroom and straight into the shower cubicle.
As I kissed his nose, I laughed. “You’re still dressed.”
“Shit’s going straight into the laundry anyway,” he mumbled, ducking us under the spray the second he adjusted the faucets.
I squealed when the cold water hit my back, and I slapped him in the side. “Meanie!”
He grinned up at me. “Yeah? What about if I do this?” He tipped his face into my throat and began sucking down on the part he’d captured with his teeth.
Apparently, my throat was a bigger erogenous zone than my boobs. Unless they twisted my nipples, I didn’t really feel all that much. But the second one of them starting nibbling at my throat? Jesus, I felt like I was lit up from the inside.
I’d learned a lot about my body over the past week, and what I’d learned, I’d enjoyed. I felt whole somehow. Whole in a way I hadn’t been for too long. It was like I’d been a jigsaw puzzle that had been solved, but three pieces were missing. With the presence of Ink, Keys, and Saint in my bed, somehow, they filled the emptiness inside me—and I wasn’t talking metaphorically.
Now Saint had invaded my ass, not one part of me wasn’t theirs, and I loved it.
“I got you something,” he mumbled before he tongued my earlobe—another hotspot of mine—and sucked down. Hard.
As I shuddered, I whimpered, “What?”
His hands roamed over my back to explore the curves of my ass. When he pressed a finger against the pucker that was more accessible now thanks to the way he was holding me, I melted into him. “A plug. We need to get you trained up.”
A laugh escaped me. “I know.”
He stilled. “Huh?”
“It arrived this morning. Saint used it on me.”
His eyes darkened. “Did you like it?”
“I felt really full but yeah, it felt good too.”
He licked his lips, and from his tension, I knew he liked hearing that.
“Did you come?”
“Yeah,” I whispered, staring deep into those stunning jewel-like orbs of his. “He ate me out first and then…”
A grunt escaped him and he pressed his forehead to mine. “You’re getting me worked up, baby girl.”
I groaned as a thought hit me. “W-Would you take me at the same time as Keys?”
“Not Saint?”
“Or Saint. Either or. Both, I’ll take whatever I can get.”
His lips twitched before he burst out laughing. I pouted at him.
“What’s so funny?”
“You know that’s a thing too, right?”
“What is?”
“DVP?” My brow puckered. “Sounds like fly spray.”
He snorted then pressed his face into my throat again—only not to tease me, but to laugh. “Jesus, Ama, please, don’t ever change.”
“What?” I grumbled. “Does it, or does it not, sound like something you’d use to kill insects?”
“Well, whether it does or not is another matter entirely. What it means is double vaginal penetration.”
I reared back at that. “Two? In there?” I hissed. “Where do they go?”
His lips curved, and I slapped him on the back because he was getting too much of a kick out of this. “In your pussy,” he choked out. “But yeah, it’s a tight fit. Will be tighter with you, considering you’re still small.”
My mouth dropped open. “So, technically, I could have two in my pussy and one in my ass?” I grinned at him. “I should get another guy, because my mouth will be free.”
His eyes darkened at that and he slammed me into the wall. Before I knew what was happening, his cock was free from his fly, and it was thrusting deep into me.
I wasn’t as wet as I could have been, and the water from the shower had kind of messed with how slick I was anyway. So when he thrust inside me, it came as a surprise, and I released a sharp gasp as he settled deep in my pussy.
He didn’t stop either. Didn’t let me acclimate like he usually did.
His eyes were on fire as he ground his cock into me hard and fast, and even though it wasn’t what I was used to from any of them, I realized they’d all been holding back in their own ways.
Soft and gentle, even if they moved fast and a little rough, but it wasn’t like this.
This was anger and need and jealousy… I’d made him jealous. And I hadn’t meant to.
Because I wanted to take back my words and burn them at the stake, instead, I reached up, cupped his face, and pressed my forehead to his. As the shower swirled around us, it was nothing to the inferno raging inside him. It scorched me, but I deserved the burn.
I whispered, “I love you. Nobody can fill me like you, Saint, or Keys. No one. I’m yours. I was born for you guys. Born to fit you, to fulfill you. To be whatever you need.”
As I spoke, his thrusts slowed, and though he was still moving hard enough to make my bones rattle against the wall, I understood.
How the hell would I have felt if he’d said something like that about a clubwhore?
I’d have been devastated.
Absolutely destroyed.
There was no place in my life for any other man. Saint, Keys, and Ink were it for me, and no words, even made in jest, belonged between us.
When his mouth grabbed at mine, his tongue thrusting in me as fast as his cock, I knew what it was—a peace offering.
I moaned into his lips and ran my fingers through his hair. Trying to soothe with my touch, to apologize for my stupid words.
A guy in a normal relationship might find those words irritating, but in one such as ours? A relationship we hadn’t really settled into?
I was so stupid and thoughtless sometimes.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I clung to him as he clung to me. Then his hand tunneled between us, and I knew he was getting closer to forgetting what I’d said. His fingers rubbed my clit in time with his thrusts, and I felt myself gushing around him. Release was there, exploding behind my eyes, and I floundered for a few endless moments until he caught me, wrapped me up in his arms, and held me tight as he experienced his own release.
As the water ran cold around us, our heavy, panting breaths were diminished by the water. But I felt our racing hearts pounding against the other thanks to our tight embrace, and I whispered in his ear, “I love you.”
“Love you too, baby,” he growled. When he pulled back there was guilt in his eyes, guilt, I guessed, at how rough he’d been, but I kissed him before he could say another word. No words were necessary. And I knew I’d never make that stupid mistake ever again.
By the time we were washed up and clean, the water was close to frigid and I was aching a little. Not just from what we’d done in the shower, which did make me a little sore, bu
t also from the fact that I’d been busy with Saint when I’d woken up this morning.
Sex… now that I’d discovered it, was kind of taking over everything else, so I knew I needed to find a better balance. It was just weird… sleeping and waking up once a night instead of several.
I figured I was getting a little punch-drunk on orgasms and sleep. I’d probably never been as rested in a decade.
Laughing when I beat Ink in getting ready—he was still gelling his hair, ha!— I rushed out and into the kitchen where Saint was sitting, eating a sandwich. That he’d probably heard us in the shower didn’t faze me. We’d moved past that point, and I was damn glad about that.
Still, I cocked a brow at him. “You look too innocent.”
His lips curved. “Said no one to me ever.”
Blowing him a raspberry, I reached over him and snagged part of his sandwich. When he grabbed my ass and hauled me onto his lap, I tilted my head for a kiss, marveling how things had changed so swiftly and in such a short space of time.
With a sigh, I pressed into him when he broke the kiss and fed me a piece of cheese that had tumbled from his sandwich. I nipped at his fingers but accepted the savory treat with a smile of thanks.
“What are you doing?”
“Reading?” he replied, waggling his cell on the table.
“Reading what?” After drawing, he knew reading was my favorite pastime—yeah, I wasn’t that great at the whole biker princess thing. I put up with the parties for them, but would have preferred to have been home reading. Although, that was before I’d discovered the big O, so maybe a couple of those before I dove into a book? Talk about a blissful Saturday night.
He shrugged. “It’s just a book on cages.”
I frowned. “Cars? Why? You hate cars.”