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Filthy Sex: The Five Points’ Mob Collection: Four
Filthy Sex: The Five Points’ Mob Collection: Four Read online
Filthy Sex
The Five Points’ Mob Collection: Four
Serena Akeroyd
Copyright © 2021 by Serena Akeroyd
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Author’s Note
Reading Order
Part I
1. 1995
2. 2009
Part II
Aidan Jr
They might hate me now, but my sisters need me.
3. Cammie
4. Brennan
5. Brennan
Where would the horses be without me?
6. Cammie
7. Brennan
One foot in front of the other... tomorrow will be better.
8. Cammie
9. Brennan
Mama would want more for me. I must make her proud.
10. Cammie
11. Brennan
Just because Nyx doesn’t love me, doesn’t mean I’m unlovable.
12. Cammie
13. Brennan
Tomorrow will be better than today.
14. Cammie
15. Brennan
Someone will love me. He’s out there. Waiting for me to love him exactly how he needs to be loved too.
16. Camille
17. Brennan
Have faith. You deserve to be someone’s number one.
18. Camille
19. Brennan
Stay strong. Just because it’s hard today, doesn’t mean that next week it won’t get easier.
20. Camille
21. Brennan
Inessa has to forgive me first.
22. Camille
23. Brennan
I have to make sure Victoria remembers Mama before I die.
24. Camille
25. Brennan
She died knowing that the man who promised to protect her put her in harm’s way. You need to avenge that. Even if you’re too chicken shit now, maybe tomorrow, you’ll be strong enough to make Father pay.
26. Camille
27. Brennan
Not everyone has to like you. Just be you. You’ll find your people.
28. Camille
29. Brennan
One day, you’ll look back on today, on how hard it was, and you’ll smile. You’ll be grateful you made it.
30. Camille
31. Brennan
32. Brennan
One day, you’ll find a man who’ll dance until dawn with you just because he can. Just because he wants you in his arms. Don’t you want to hang around for that day?
33. Camille
34. Brennan
Remember—you were loved. You know what that feels like. Don’t settle for less.
35. Camille
36. Aidan Jr.
37. Brennan
You don’t need a Prince Charming to save you. You can save yourself. You’re doing it now. You’re doing this now to stop yourself from taking the plunge. You got this. Keep on fighting. It will be worth it tomorrow.
38. Camille
39. Brennan
Today was a good day. Tomorrow will be too. Rinse and repeat, Camille. You got this.
40. Camille
41. Conor
42. Brennan
The sky is really blue today. Imagine not being able to see that again. Try not to make today the last chance you get to enjoy it.
43. Camille
You haven’t found your purpose yet. What a waste of a life it would be if all you’d done with it was waste it.
44. Camille
45. Brennan
You may not think you’re beautiful. But your soul is. Have faith that someone will recognize that beauty and want it for their own.
46. Camille
47. Brennan
I don’t need to think up a reason to live today.
48. Camille
49. Brennan
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Author’s Note
My darlings,
Welcome back to Hell’s Kitchen.
Please be advised: this book is the most violent of them all, so have a care when wandering into this tale…
And for your reference, you will come across this word: céilidh. Just pronounce it kay-lee. :)
I’m sure you’ll remember, but here’s a recap:
Aoife - Ee-Fah
Eoghan - Owen.
Aela - Eh-Lah.
I truly hope you love Brennan. He’s one of my personal favorites now. And please, as you dive into this book, have an open mind about people’s kinks. :) I know some of you won’t like the verbiage used, but it’s what Brennan’s leading lady likes, which is all that matters.
If you’re curious about the universe crossover, then find that here: linktr.ee/SerenaAkeroydReadingOrder <3
Much love,
If you’d like to hear a curated soundtrack, with songs that are featured in the book, as well as songs that inspired it, then here’s the link:
Reading Order
While the series are separate, you might enjoy reading The Five Points’ Mob Collection and the Satan’s Sinners’ MC series in this order:
HAWK (Coming soon)
Part One
“Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.” – Rumi
Uncle Frank’s hand tightened on my shoulder, prompting me to peer up at him.
“Your da won’t ask, but are you okay?”
Was I okay?
I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, so I just stared at him in confusion.
Nothing about this situation was okay.
Ma was...
I swallowed.
She was in the hospital.
My already crazy father was close to losing the few marbles he still possessed.
The city was drenched in blood, and I was about to commit mass murder.
And my uncle was asking if I was okay?
I tilted my head back around, staring at a sight no fifteen-year-old should ever have to witness, but this was my punishment.
I should have gone into the dress shop with her. I should have gone inside. I shouldn’t have rushed off to catch the bus for school. I should have made sure Ma was safe. That was my job—to take her to her shop every morning.
My throat closed at what she’d endured because I’d fucked up.
I didn’t feel my own bruises, didn’t feel anything really. Just knew that nothing was okay about this situation. Nothing at all. And that was safer. Being numb right now was a hell of a lot safer than the alternative.
Surrounded by busted up cars, mountains of them, Da jumped out of the CAT tractor. Clouds of dust burst around him in eddying flurries that settled on his shoes when he moved to stand in front of a car crusher that diminished his larger-than-life frame. His arms were folded over hi
s chest as he watched me, a bitter hatred etched into his features that I knew he’d always feel for me because of what I’d done to Ma, and that was when Frank nudged me forward.
“Go on, it’ll take a few minutes. You’ve killed before, Bren. This is just like that.”
This was nothing like before.
What was it with Uncle Frank today? Was he out for an award for Understatement of the Year?
Holding my arm tight to my side, the cast heavy thanks to my broken arm—one of Da’s first punishments for this mess and no less than I deserved—I swallowed, but stepped forward, knowing I had no real choice.
Suspended above the car crusher, was a thin concrete block about eight feet long. It reminded me a little of the clothes line on the rare occasions when Ma hung out some laundry in the yard, except, instead of clothes, there were seven men dangling down, their feet trapped in the block. Most of them were conscious, Da wouldn’t get his fun otherwise, but some of them were fortunate and hadn’t woken up yet.
They never would either.
“Get in the cab,” Da hissed, pulling me by the ear when I didn’t move fast enough, my head tipping back as I stared up at the men who’d defiled my mother.
I bit the inside of my cheek as I scurried away, darting into the cab before he could clip me again. A clunking sound echoed around it as my cast collided with the side of the door, and I almost howled as the pain slalomed inside me, winding me with its force.
Simultaneously, my nose began bleeding once more, and whether that was from the pressure of knowing the horrific fate I was about to let these men endure, or from the fact Da had broken it yesterday, I had no real way of knowing but I grabbed the paper towel I was carrying for this purpose and jammed a chunk inside each nostril.
As I plunked down in the CAT’s bucket seat, Da climbed up the ladder beside me, his feet hooked into the rungs as he hovered in place. Unsure of his next move, I held my broken arm closer to my side, the pain still ricocheting through me was enough to make me feel like I could pass out, so I didn’t need him adding to that by grabbing a hold of it or anything.
All around us, there were motes of dust and debris, shards of metal and boxy squares of wreckage that glinted under the hard glow of the spotlights. Uncle Frank was watching from a distance, while my da’s crew, Mark O’Reilly, Tony Hannaway, and Paul Claren, were somewhere in the vicinity, keeping the scene secured.
“All you need to do is release the pincers,” he told me.
Their deaths wouldn’t make up for what they’d done to Ma.
They wouldn’t pay for their sins by dying no matter what Father Doyle said. Da believed that bullshit, but I didn’t.
Knowing it was pointless to argue, I licked my lips and raised my other hand to do as he bid.
Before I could tap the button, he told me, “You could have prevented this, Brennan. Remember today. Your ma would be safe at home if you’d just done as I fucking asked you. Women, be they your wife or your mother, are queens. They’re to be protected and sheltered at all costs.”
As much as those words resonated with me, I wanted to ask why he’d laid Ma’s responsibility on my shoulders if she was so fucking important to him, but I knew why.
Sure, I still went to school, but that was only to keep up appearances. Plus, he wanted his sons to rub shoulders with Manhattan’s elite, so off we went to learn BS we’d never need, before our real jobs started once that shit was over and the uniform was off.
To him, I was a made man.
To him, it was my duty to protect her.
He wasn’t wrong.
I should have waited in the shop with her until Stephen arrived to take my place. It was my fault we were running late. She’d told me twice to get up, but I’d ignored her, and she’d paid for that when I darted off to catch the bus.
I was a bad son.
A terrible one.
I licked my lips as I let my gaze drift over the Aryans. They’d almost killed Ma, had done things to her that I’d heard Da sobbing over last night as he got drunk in his office.
They deserved to die.
My hand hovered over the button, but I kept my gaze trained on them as I lowered it.
When the pincers flared wide, the men screamed, but not for long as the mechanical jaw chewed them up and spat them out.
Blood spurted everywhere like a geyser. Da and Uncle Frank laughed, but me?
I just puked.
The final journal entry by Mariska Vasov
I never imagined there’d come a day where I wanted you to read these journals, my darlings, but I hope you read about the mistakes I made and I pray that they don’t lead you down the same path I took.
When you were a little girl, Camille, and Inessa was barely two, I was at a political fundraiser with your father, and that was where I met him.
He was only in his early twenties, and shouldn’t have held any power in that space, but Brennan O’Donnelly dominated the room. He commanded everyone in its vicinity. Truly, I’ve never felt anything like it before—he drew me to him like a moth to a flame, and I’ve never been more okay with being burned.
Brennan is a man like no other. Even if I was only an affair, a change of pace—an older woman, a married one at that, making our time together charged and heated with the fear of us being caught—he was different. So unlike any other man I’ve met in this world of ours. He was honorable. Kind, in his own way. A modern day protector. Whenever I was in his arms, I wished that I was his. That we could be together, that my fate wasn’t tied to Antoni’s, but… that simply wasn’t to be.
I don’t like sharing my secrets with you, not when they cast me in a painful light, but the truth is, I need you to know about Brennan. About the kind of man he is.
Don’t mistake him for not being dangerous, because he is. He’s just not like your father.
Accept this now, my darlings, that we are broodmares to men like Antoni. Our worth falls to the fruit we can bear, and I’m sure you know this by now that it’s the sons who matter. I wish that weren’t so. I wish that you hadn’t been raised in a world like this, but you have. We don’t just have glass ceilings, but glass cages.
It distresses me more that I have to tell you I knew from early on in my marriage I would die in childbirth. Carrying Camille and then Inessa wasn’t easy, and my doctors advised against having another child. Of course, with no son, that was never going to happen.
Brennan was a spotlight in the darkness. A chance of something more in the middle of a life that I knew was coming to an end. Getting pregnant again felt impossible, and with each passing day, I knew I was becoming surplus to requirements. Call him my last act of rebellion, but I’m hoping he will be your savior.
Just before we parted ways for the final time, I was desperate to protect you. So certain that your father would have me killed for an inability to get pregnant again, I knew I’d be leaving you at his mercy, so I pleaded with Brennan. My daughters, I said to him, are unsafe in their father’s household. If anything happens to me, I need you to protect them. I need you to promise me you’ll watch out for them.
Things ended badly between us, there’s no doubt about that. He’d been pulling away from me for a while, and then he came to me, bruised and beaten, his wrist broken, his nose and a few ribs too. I had a feeling his family knew who he was seeing. I was devastated about losing him and said some things I shouldn’t… But despite all that, despite the hard words we spewed at each other, he still made me that promise, and I know he will uphold it. All this time later, I trust him more than your father, and I haven’t seen him in six years…
Somehow, I survived our break up, I survived the long wait between Inessa and Victoria. No one was more surprised than me to be graced with another beautiful daughter, but your father still didn’t have his son…
Antoni discovered I’d had an affa
ir recently. I don’t know how, nor do I want to. Information is passed around like popcorn at the cinema in this world. It doesn’t matter that it was a long time ago, he’s not the kind of man to forgive or forget. I can see the hatred in his eyes and know that he’s been waiting for any excuse to pull the trigger, but I lied, and told him I thought I was pregnant again. To my misfortune, he came with me to my doctor’s appointment yesterday and discovered that lie.
I know my time remaining is short, and I can only pray that my end is swift. There will be nothing I can do to protect you, my darlings, but Brennan will.
Camille, I know you, naughty little minx, are aware of where my journals are, so I hope you find these soon after I perish.