Sean: Quintessence The Sequel: Part IV Read online

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  “Part your legs, Sascha,” he ordered, and imagining this odd sensation on her pussy had her tensing but complying. He didn’t immediately go south though. Instead, he rolled the wheel along her waist, down over to her thigh and to the side of her butt where she could still feel the remnants of her spanking.

  Then, it was there.

  Moving over her folds, sending electrical sparks along her nerve endings. Again, there was no pain, but no pleasure either, and again, it made her feel antsy.

  She started to pant.

  And she didn’t even know why!

  “Wider apart,” Sean instructed.

  This time, she felt him tap the wheel against her clit and the cold metal had her biting her bottom lip. The spiky wheel, while not sharp enough to draw blood, sent more electrical impulses shooting through her system as they tapped her clit hood.

  For whatever reason, that made her wonder what it would feel like to get her clit pierced, and in the back of her mind, she thought about that.

  Thought about looking it up on Google in the morning.

  A shaky sigh escaped her when Sean, in a smooth move, rolled to his feet, adjusting his hold on the wheel as he slid it over her body.

  To Devon, he murmured, “Take her to the bed, Dev. On your belly, Sascha.”

  She shivered, wondering what he was up to now. It was odd to think that she trusted him implicitly while not trusting what his next move would be. The former spoke of how safe she felt, with the latter describing how on edge she was.

  Positioned on her belly, she wasn’t surprised when she felt a cock hit the seam of her ass. She closed her eyes when it tunneled between her lips and slipped into her.

  The sensation of fullness was a delight, and that was when it started.

  The wheel.

  On her back.

  Down her spine.

  On the fleshy parts and the bony, the claws digging deep here and there, scratching as well as tickling. Never the same thing in the same place. Always changing, always something different so her nerves couldn’t settle.

  Her body shuddered. One big shudder. She felt so unsexy, unsure that she looked as though she was jerking and jiggling like a fly had landed on her back and she was trying to get it off, but the slow slide of the cock inside her, the relentlessly slow thrust had her on edge in a way that didn’t compute.

  “What are you doing to her?” Devon rasped, his voice deep, confused, but also turned on.

  “Messing with her senses,” Sean murmured, sounding so in control that she wanted to scream.

  Her hands gripped the bedding, fisting it tightly as she tugged the sheets from the bottom of the bed. A scream escaped her as he dug the claws in deep on her sore ass cheeks and tears finally began to prick her eyes as her hips jerked, the pleasure of his cock and the discomfort from the wheel, making her feel beyond discordant.

  The men talked but she wasn’t listening, instead, she focused on her sore ass, the reddened and sensitive skin that was being tormented by such a small device. What didn’t hurt that much on regular flesh was three times as uncomfortable on a sore butt, and of her own accord, her hips began to dance, her legs swaying as she tried to evade the relentless wheel.

  And what made it worse?

  Sean wasn’t even concentrating on fucking her.

  He might as well have shoved a dildo in her cunt for the amount of attention he was giving her.

  Frustration surged inside her and with it, more tears. She. Needed. More. They weren’t going to give it to her though.

  She’d come twice.

  Without permission.

  Her heart began to race as she thought about enduring more of this, continuing and suffering until she thought she’d go insane. Her lungs began to burn, her body began to shake, and almost as though that was what he’d been waited for, the wheel was discarded and she was drawn up off the bed. Her back collided with his front, and then Sean’s hand was on her throat.

  “Breathe,” he told her, like she needed the obvious instruction.

  Or maybe she did.

  “In,” he soothed, inhaling deeply. “Out,” he continued, exhaling slowly. Repeating it over and over until her heart wasn’t stuttering in her chest anymore, and that was when he moved.

  His hand cupped her throat tightly, the other moved down to hold her between her legs, and then he finally fucked her.



  The thrusts were shallow from their position, and yet his cock dragged against the front of her pussy in a way that had her eyes widening in both distress and delight.

  When they did, she saw that Devon was watching with interest. He wasn’t even holding his cock in his fist, even if she could see his erection. He was watching as though he were in class, his stance and his interest so clinical that it was almost a slap in the face and yet, it made things a thousand times hotter.

  “Don’t come,” Sean growled in her ear, even as she felt her orgasm surging forth.

  “No!” she whined with a mewl.

  “Yes,” Sean ground out, and when he came, each thrust harder and faster than before, she sobbed in distress as her aching pussy begged for release.

  He stayed inside her, a hot presence in her starving cunt, and his fingers flexed around her throat as he whispered in her ear, “Who do you belong to?”

  “Y-You. Devon.” She sucked down a breath, starved for oxygen again. “Sawyer, K-Kurt, Andrei.”

  “Do you need our cocks?”

  Her eyes flared. “O-Of course.”

  “And our hearts?”

  This time, the tears that pricked her eyes began to fall. “More than anything.”

  “You’re ours,” he rasped.

  “I’m yours,” she confirmed on a sob.

  Her words had him thrusting his softening cock inside her, then he kissed the side of her cheek and pulled out. She felt his loss keenly, but was overjoyed when he turned her in his arms and slid her into his embrace.

  God, that felt good.

  His hands were everywhere the wheel had been, but his touch soothed every jarred nerve ending. She shivered and moaned as he touched her, as he caressed her, then he tipped her back onto the bed, climbing beside her in an instant.

  He positioned her so that she was between his legs, her body resting over his, his arms around her, his chin on top of her head. He surrounded her, nearly all of her back and sides were touching him, and what he couldn’t touch with his front, his hands did.

  He stroked her, soothed her, gentled her, and she tumbled deep into sleep. Her last thought was that even when she’d expected to be shared, Sean wouldn’t do that. This had been his claiming. Not Devon’s, and she knew she wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

  Chapter Seven


  Turning away from the screenplay in her hand, Sascha tilted her head and sought the female voice who’d called her out. Smiling, she murmured, “Perry! I didn’t expect to see you.”

  Perry shrugged. “It’s addictive.”

  “What is?”

  “Speaking to someone who knows the score and is living it herself.” Perry grinned. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen when you go back to England.”

  Sascha could empathize. On just the few occasions they’d spoken, she’d come to see how remarkably freeing it was to hang out with Perry. She didn’t have to watch her words, could mention three of her men in the same sentence without having to qualify the fact that they were just ‘friends.’ Jesus, that alone made her want this friendship to grow and grow.

  “Skype?” Sascha reasoned.

  “True. Not the same though.”

  Sascha’s lips curved, and she had to admit that she was glad Perry felt the same way. Sure, their friendship wasn’t years in the making, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t deepen over time. Being with someone who understood the nuances of a complicated relationship like hers might be the reason why they’d initially become friends, but that could morph into more, a
nd Sascha hoped it did.

  “I didn’t just come to stalk you though. I came because I wondered if you’d like to go to this little coffee shop in Madela… they let me have this private room so there are none of the paps around to hover.”

  Sascha tilted her head to the side, noticing something for the first time… “How the hell did I only just see that you’re a blonde now?”

  Perry snickered. “It’s a wig, and that script looks like it might be interesting?”

  She waved it in the air. “It’s Kurt’s screenplay. I’m just giving it a final read through before I finalize it for production.’

  “He lets you do that?”

  “He asked me to.” Sascha shrugged. “He hates edits. Hates them with a passion, so he asked me to take over. It’s a pleasure really.” She tilted her head again. “The wig’s so you’re incognito?”

  Perry’s nose wrinkled. “Yeah.”

  “Why? I mean, if the cafe lets you in privately, why all the hiding?”

  “Because I want you to meet George.”

  Sascha’s mouth rounded. “Wouldn’t that be wiser for me to meet him here?”

  “Maybe but…” She sighed then reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “It’s either go there or go to the palace.”


  “Edward thought some of the courtiers were onto us, so he set up this whole charade.”

  “What kind of charade?” Sascha asked slowly, seeing the discomfort and distaste etched in both Perry’s features as well as her eyes.

  Perry was hurting. A fact that didn’t sit well with Sascha at all.

  “Xavier and George usually butt heads over something, but it’s always harmless. A few arguments, then they fuck me, and boom, all’s well again.”

  “Okay, so what did Edward set up?”

  “He made them have a real blowout argument, and now they’re not talking in public.”

  “But they’re good in private?”

  Perry dipped her chin. “Of course. It’s only for appearances, but it’s hard because I come here a lot, for…” She cleared her throat. “You know. And George can’t come here for a while. Masonbrook is where I have to be on show all the time, but here? I can relax.”

  “You’re the mistress of the estate, aren’t you?” Her brow puckered. “The staff know?”

  She licked her lips. “They know. But they’ve been with the family for years so there’s no fear, and Edward would string them up with the NDAs they’ve all signed, so there’s no need to worry.”

  “So here’s home, and you can’t be here with all your men because of a stupid fight?”

  Perry’s lips wobbled, and Sascha jumped up from her seat in front of the fire and moved to the sofa where Perry had perched herself earlier. She curved an arm around her shoulder and said, “Hey, it’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m a real watering pot at the moment.” She patted her stomach. “These babies are determined to make me a wimp.”

  Sascha snorted. “We’re entitled to be wusses when we’re knocked up.” When Perry snickered, Sascha grinned but said, “Look, how about this… you haven’t met all my men yet. How about I introduce you? Then we head to Masonbrook—” Yikes, she was about to go into a freakin’ palace. “—and I can meet George and we can have tea there?”

  Perry gnawed on her bottom lip. “Raincheck on the cafe?”


  “I’d like you to meet Cass, as well. She’s my head lady-in-waiting, but she’s been taking some time off recently. Her mother-in-law is sick and needed some help with social events.”

  Sascha blinked. “What kind of social events?”

  Perry rolled her eyes and patted Sascha’s knee. “It’s a whole other world, Sascha. They’re all on boards or foundations, and they host balls and crap. Cass has had to take over her mother-in-law’s events and handle them as her own.”

  Was it rotten that Sascha would prefer to stick pins in her eyes than handle that kind of crap?


  It was mean to just throw money at the situation, but she let Andrei handle her funds and let him do what he deemed best. She had enough on her plate with five guys and a son.

  Never mind the journalist from hell on her tail and the serial killer secretary in one of her men’s offices.

  Grimacing at the thought, she got to her feet and hauled Perry onto hers. “Come on, let’s get you introduced… We should have done this before. It was rude of me not to.”

  “No. It’s okay. With guests, they rarely know I’m here anyway. I just come in, do my stuff, then get out again.”

  “You’re hanging around more because of me?”

  Perry grinned. “Hell yeah. I told you—you knowing the truth is addictive as hell.”

  Because she agreed, she just grinned back and began to lead Perry down the hall to the different offices each of her men had staked a claim on.

  “Do you actually know what they’re doing here?” Perry questioned her curiously, as they moved down the long-ass corridors. This place was massive. It was no wonder Perry could slip in and out without anyone knowing, because just heading from one room to another could take a handful of minutes.

  “Nope, and I prefer it that way. Devon tells me stuff, but it usually goes over my head.”

  Perry snorted. “I’m the same way with Edward. Although this is Xavier’s pet project. It’s unusual though, because George is the one who ordinarily handles finance matters.”

  “Is that what the staged argument was about?” she asked quietly.

  “Yeah.” Perry blew out a breath. “I’ll be glad when all of this is handled because it sucks. I hate the pretense on a regular day, but this added shit? It drives me crazy.”

  Sascha nodded, then tapped on Sawyer’s office door.


  Perry grabbed her hand. “He’s Scottish?”

  She smirked at her. “Yup.”

  “Does he wear a kilt?”

  Outright chuckling, Sascha shook her head. “Not that I’ve ever seen.”

  “Are you just going to stand there giggling outside my door?” Sawyer grumbled, and when they laughed at one another, she opened the door and headed in, not surprised to see Devon was in here too. He’d been given his own office space, but Devon and Sawyer were like bees around honey. Or flies around shit… the analogy depended on her mood.

  In this instance, it was bees and honey because Sawyer had given her some delicious orgasms on that desk a few days ago, and even though, last night, Sean hadn’t let Devon touch her that much, she was still pleasantly sated from her sexcapades.

  “Sawyer, Devon, I’d like to introduce you to a new friend of mine.”

  Sawyer blinked at her, then at the woman behind her. Devon frowned and blurted out, “Who is it?”

  “Is my disguise that good?” Perry teased, knocking Sascha in the side with a laugh.

  “Yeah, it is, but Devon and Sawyer probably wouldn’t recognize their Queen either,” Sascha joked. “It’s Perry, guys. Perry DeSauvier.”

  Devon blinked. “Where’s your crown?”

  Sascha rolled her eyes and Sawyer grunted, but Perry just laughed. “I don’t wear it every day.”

  Devon frowned. “Why not?”

  “Because it’s too heavy.”

  “Really? That’s very inefficient. If you wore your crown then everyone would know who you were without you having to introduce yourself—see, far more efficient.”

  “She doesn’t want everyone to know who she is, Devon,” Sascha explained.

  “Why not? She’s a Queen. That’s her job.”

  “Just like it’s your job to be a pain in my butt?”

  He shot her a smile that made her pussy melt. “I can definitely be that for you, Sascha.”

  Sawyer cleared his throat. “Let’s keep the conversation PG, Devon.” He got to his feet. “It’s a pleasure to meet you—”

  Perry smiled. “Perry. Call me by my given name. No need for formalities when I
’m here.”

  Sawyer dipped his chin and Devon just stayed where he was, his legs over the armrest of his armchair as he stared at them both. Sascha knew, point blank, that he was thinking of her with a crown on her head as he fucked her in the ass.

  Don’t ask her how she knew that, but know it she did.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Perry said softly. “Sascha’s told me a lot about you.”

  “All of it bad,” she confirmed, making Sawyer snort and Devon rub his chin. “I wanted to introduce her before I go out.”

  “Go out? Where are you going?” Sawyer inquired, scowling at her.

  “To Masonbrook,” Perry inserted. “It’s the royal seat, but it’s where I live. With my husband.”

  Devon hummed. “What about your other husbands? Xavier said he lived here.”

  Sascha cocked a brow at that. “When did you meet Xavier? You never told me.”

  “Sascha, I can’t tell you everything,” Devon retorted with a sigh. “You’d get bored.”

  Her lips twitched. “I’m sure I would. I don’t need to know how many times you used the bathroom, Devon, just, you know, when you meet with a Duke! Shit like that.”

  That had him frowning at her. “I never talk about the bathroom with you.”

  “I was making a point.”

  “I see what you mean when you say he’s literal,” Perry said with a laugh.

  “Beyond literal,” Sascha retorted, folding her arms across her chest. “Anyway, I’m going to meet George. I’ve already met Xavier.”

  Perry shook her head. “Hardly. You barely met Edward either, but you’re here for a while, aren’t you? There’s plenty of time.”

  Sascha smiled. “True.” Thrilled at the prospect of growing closer to Perry, and doubly thrilled that she could do what she was about to do… Sascha headed over to Devon, dipped down and pressed a kiss to his lips. Then she trailed her mouth along his jaw and whispered in his ear, “I’ll buy a tiara.”

  “And lube?” he asked, his eyes flaring wide with hunger.

  “Andrei usually has some.”

  Devon hummed. “Good. Get some more to be safe though.”

  She hid her smile, then trod over to Sawyer. His kiss was a little less innocent, and he growled in her ear, “Behave, and don’t do anything that necessitates a firing squad. They still do that here.”